Spirit Box Tips & Tricks

We share ongoing updates, ideas and solutions from other Spirit Box school stores.

Budgeting & Taking Control of your Finances
Business Skills, Life Skills Guest User Business Skills, Life Skills Guest User

Budgeting & Taking Control of your Finances

When running a business or managing your personal finances, you need to have a big picture understanding of your money. It seems like money is the center of everyone’s stress, right? It may even feel easier to ignore it all together and just go with the flow when spending your money. The problem with this attitude is that every dollar you spend can begin to add up quickly.

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Market Research: When Starting your School Based Enterprise

Market Research: When Starting your School Based Enterprise

Before you start a business you need to ask yourself, is my business needed or wanted? It is incredibly important to not assume that it is and do research before dedicating yourself to a business that will not succeed. There are two steps to take before diving in; complete market research and a competitive analysis.

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Business Planning 101: Tips to Help Your Business Thrive
Business Skills Guest User Business Skills Guest User

Business Planning 101: Tips to Help Your Business Thrive

A business is created through solving a problem. This doesn’t have to be some earth shattering problem. The problem might be better lighting for a TikTok video. A problem was discovered and an idea was born. Look around your home and the products you have. What problem do they solve?

Once you have an idea for your business, it’s time to create a business plan. Running a sustainable and profitable business is no easy feat. It is so important to create a plan and to think through the details of your business.

Entrepreneurs can have great ideas, a great work ethic, and a lot of confidence. But it’s what they don’t have that often leads to failure:

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Thanking your Team:  Gratitude Goes a Long Way
Business Skills, Life Skills Guest User Business Skills, Life Skills Guest User

Thanking your Team: Gratitude Goes a Long Way

You are working on a team and doing a job that you love. You are putting in 110% and doing work you are proud of. You work late because you are excited about the work you are doing and want the company to succeed. The company or organization you work for is seeing excellent results from the work you are doing. You are overcome with pride and fulfillment...but your team? Your boss? No one recognizes your hard work. Your boss gives you another assignment without showing any gratitude for helping grow the company. They don’t even acknowledge the extra hours you put in.

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