Spirit Box Tips & Tricks

We share ongoing updates, ideas and solutions from other Spirit Box school stores.

8 Tips: How to Increase Your Knowledge on Diversity and Inclusivity

8 Tips: How to Increase Your Knowledge on Diversity and Inclusivity

Growing your knowledge for different cultures, religions, genders, races, ethnicities, and other characteristics or cultural expression that you do not identify with will not only improve your career but will improve our world as a whole.

“It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” ― Maya Angelou

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Why Having a Contingency Plan is Crucial for Your Spirit Box
Spirit Box Tips, Business Skills Guest User Spirit Box Tips, Business Skills Guest User

Why Having a Contingency Plan is Crucial for Your Spirit Box

This has been a very uneasy few weeks with the growth of COVID19. Our country is slowly filling with more anxiety around the spread of this virus; anxiety for our health and for our economy. As business owners, for the health of our business, we must have a plan of action for how we keep our business afloat during a time like this. Specifically, for a Spirit Box business, many schools are extending breaks as well as moving to remote teaching for the rest of the semester. What can your team do during this time of uncertainty? A great start is to create a contingency plan.

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5 Tips on How to Have a Successful Team
Business Skills, Spirit Box Tips Guest User Business Skills, Spirit Box Tips Guest User

5 Tips on How to Have a Successful Team

You know the saying… teamwork makes the dream work. There is no “I” in team. These are clichés for a reason because they are true. When working on a team every player is important. There are no small parts on a team and each role plays a part in leading your team to success.

Working on a team comes with struggles. There are many moving parts due to varying schedules, different communication styles, lack of organization, and more. Here are some tips to help your team get on track for success.

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5 Ways How Entrepreneurship Focused Project Based Learning  Prepares Students for the Real World
Life Skills, Business Skills Guest User Life Skills, Business Skills Guest User

5 Ways How Entrepreneurship Focused Project Based Learning  Prepares Students for the Real World

2,000 high schools graduate less than 60% of their students.

50% of students think what they are learning in school is relevant to the real world.

81% of high school dropouts say that relevant, real-world learning would have kept them in school.

It’s time we change the conversation on how we educate our students. As educators, it is our responsibility to send students into the real world with the knowledge they need to succeed. Teaching students entrepreneurship through project based learning takes the way we teach students to the next level. ⠀

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Creating Goals: Strategies to Get You Where You Want to Go

Creating Goals: Strategies to Get You Where You Want to Go

Let’s talk goals! Often times, at the start of a project or the start of a new year, you may create goals for yourself. As time passes, you realize you have not completed hardly any of the goals you set out to accomplish. It’s safe to say we have all probably been here. Clearly there are good intentions behind the points you hope to achieve, however, maybe you aren’t giving yourself the right goal. In other words…work smarter not harder. Outlined below are strategies to help you achieve your goals!

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