Big Ideas from the Virginia Workshop
Successful business owners step out of the day-to-day and work “on” their business instead of “in” it. Understanding how powerful this concept can be, is demonstrated when students experience it for themselves. It’s our mission to provide a hands-on learning experience for students where they can gain skills and confidence in business and entrepreneurship with little to no risk–so we organized a “workshop” event to share best practices we’re seeing with other schools, give the students the opportunity to spend time with other Spirit Box students, challenge them to brainstorm new ideas and even develop a framework for a marketing plan.
Product Ideas —What’s selling:
Consumables (outside of school hours):
School supplies (required by class/departments):
Technology: ChromeBook chargers, stylists, etc.
PE shorts, gym locks, deodorant, etc.
Art supplies
Laptop skins (ask tech team)
Reeds and resin (music)
Convenience items:
Hand lotion
Hand warmers (great for football & soccer games)
Spirit Wear (custom branded):
Sherpas* (Newer)
Fanny Packs
Towels (Rowdy Rags)
Homecoming themed designs
Class color spirit wear
NEW Ideas:
Camo-out or white out
Mother’s Day --- sell vouchers to trade for flowers/roses for the upcoming holiday since kids cannot leave and go pick them up
Phone wallet cases, different designs —- brand them and they’ll sell better (James Madison High School tested)
Survey for teachers for (one-to-one) technology needs or other needs
Updated clothing (different sports)
Combo Packs: Spirit Bags (beads, face paint, t-shirts, rowdy rag towel) themed for game/event. Ex: $20 white-out bag.
Guerrilla Marketing Ideas
Flash Fashion Show during school lunch (example of the Pink out t-shirt. Spirit Box team asked for permission to play music during lunch and have students show off new apparel and products in the Spirit Box)
Partner with the broadcast team: different segment (takeover Morning Announcement and change the music)
Hang up poster upside down
Hanging flyers from tree branches
Parking ticket-like flyers (Don’t be fined for bad style) - make sure you get permission from administration.
Advertise in the teacher newsletter and in their mailboxes — they want apparel too since they’ll likely be teaching for a few years.