10 Tips on How to Reduce Stress and Cabin Fever:
Is your cabin fever starting to drive you crazy? Are these uncertain times bringing out anxiety and stress? You are not alone, and your feelings are valid. It’s ok to feel anxious or stressed but you don’t have to stay that way. Here are 10 tips that can help you reduce your stress during this uneasy time.
1. Breathe
This may seem silly or even obvious but so many of us neglect to take deep breathes, getting oxygen to our brains. If you are feeling anxious or stressed, take a moment and take three big deep breaths inhale through your nose and exhale out of your mouth.
2. Exercise or meditate
Exercise releases endorphins in your brain. Endorphins are what make us happy. Move your body whether it is going on a walk, yoga, or even taking a moment to meditate or clear your mind. Doing these two things are an excellent reset button for your day.
3. Change your scenery
Are you getting anxious from cabin fever and working from home? Change your scenery. Work at your desk in the morning and move to another room in the afternoon. Work outside if you are able.
4. Reframe your thoughts:
a. List the things in your life you have to be grateful for.
b. Name the people in your life that you are grateful for.
c. Name something good that happened today.
d. Think of a happy memory and replay it to yourself.
Go through this list when negative thoughts begin to consume you. Make this a habit when you start to feel anxious that way when you begin to have negative thoughts your brain will be triggered to focus on something good.
5. Go outside
Enjoy some fresh air. Sit on your front porch, visit a park, or go for a walk. Whatever is accessible to you, go outside and get fresh air and vitamin D from the sun.
6. Talk it out with someone
With a trusted friend or family member, share your anxieties, fears, and feelings. Having a good vent session instead of keeping it all bottled up is a great way to release stress.
7. Self-care (sleep, water, healthy foods)
Take care of yourself. How you take care of body is so closely related to how you feel. Lack of sleep increases stress and lack of water decreases energy. Drink water regularly and make sure to get your 8 hours of sleep.
8. Create something.
Express yourself through music, art, writing, or something other than numbing out over Netflix. In our age filled with technology, find another outlet to turn to. Having another way to express yourself is a great way to channel your stress or anxiety into. Maybe you are running out of things to do and need something to occupy your time. You don’t have to be good at any of these things, just create for fun!
9. Call friends, family, or other loved ones.
When overwhelmed with cabin fever, pick up the phone and give someone a call! Call family or friends and check in on them.
10. Stretch and release tension in your shoulders, face, and neck.
We carry so much stress in our shoulders, face, and neck. Take a moment to stretch out your entire body and relieve tension you are holding in these areas. You will be shocked at how much ten
Life can be stressful. Uncertain times can be even more stressful. It’s normal to feel stress and anxiety at times but don’t let it take over your life. Take this a step further! A great book to help you create lasting habits and control your life and anxieties is, The Five Second Rule by Mel Robbins. Most importantly, be intentional when you start to feel anxious and practice these steps and figure out what works best for you.