Spirit Box and Spirit Factory at ICDC!
Atlanta or Bust!
ICDC 2018 has come to an end and we've settled back in our offices in Springfield, MO.
As we sit back and reflect on our journey, we can't believe it's already over. The photos we took to document our trip bring back memories of the 4 day excursion which included over 24 hours in the car, launching a Shop DECA Spirit Box, presenting to over 800 students at the SBE Academy, and setting up/manning our booth where we must have spoken to more than 250 excited and ambitious DECA members and advisers.
Upon returning, we instantly started planning for 2019 ICDC in Orlando, brainstorming how we can be even more involved in a more impactful and meaningful way.
Below are some of the photos we took along the way, assuming anybody would care to see them:)
Spirit Box
We introduced the Shop DECA Spirit Box at ICDC to provide DECA branded merch 24/7 via cash, credit card, Google Wallet or Apple Pay!
The Shop DECA Spirit Box was active, generating almost $4K in revenue in less than 3 days! We plan to have 4 Spirit Boxes setup at ICDC 2019.
Product Mix
Here's what people were buying. Everything from deodorant and charging cables, to DECA bow ties and Ts (couldn't restock fast enough!)
SBE Acadamy
Here's co-owner of Spirit Box, Chris Langston, talking with 400 students about creating a personal vision.
All 800 DECA members that attended the SBE Academy (we spoke with two groups of 400) left with a first draft of their personal vision. Carpe Diem!
The Booth
Well, this is where we would show you our booth (#232), which was setup to emulate an actual school store. That said, we realized after returning that no one on our team took a single picture.
It really was that busy. Here's a picture that shows a tiny fraction of conference attendees as they headed to the exhibit hall.
Co-owners of Spirit Box and Spirit Factory (Philip Baird, Lisa Baird and Chris Langston) with DECA Director, Frank Peterson.
Thanks for viewing
We sure had a very unique, fruitful and engaging experience at ICDC 2018.
Here's to another year of opportunity, learning and success.
See you in Orlando!
Oh, yeah...
...and here's a really delicious hidden gem called Deano's Hickory Pit (we discovered on the way to ICDC from Springfield, MO). Check it out if you're ever strolling through Mississippi.